Maternity Leave: Appointments have resumed.

Soul Evolution Coaching

60 Minute Session (to powerfully work through belief systems and patterns in your relationships and personal life, uncover where you are getting in your own way, and develop a soul-aligned plan of action to empower and move your forward)
1 Session – $184

    Business Energetics Coaching

    60 Minute Session (to powerfully work through belief systems, patterns, gain clarity in vision and messaging, powerfully shift business energetics, and create a soul-aligned plan of action)
    1 Session – $184

    Hybrid Sessions

    60 Minute Session comprised of your choice of: Coaching/Healing, Healing/Reading, Coaching/Reading
    1 Session – $184

    Sessions are done online, via video.

      • Healing Sessions:

        Intuitive Healing Session (encompasses Akashic Healing / ThetaHealing / Shamanism)
        In-Person or Distance (via Video)
        60 mins – $155

        Hands-On Reiki Session
        60 mins – $111

        Hands-On Integrated Energy Therapy
        60 mins – $111

        Youth Healing (ages 0-17)
        Available In-Person, Distance (via Video), or Remote   **Dependant on needs/age of child

        Remote Healing for Pets
        30 mins

    Distance (video) sessions can be booked online anytime. 


    Personal Akashic Reading
    Distance (via Video)
    60 mins – $184

    Mini Email Reading (choice of Akashic, Intuitive)
    3-4 Questions Emailed

    Single Oracle Card Reading

    Personalized Channeled Meditation:

    Channeled Meditation
    Recording Emailed
    30 mins – $80

    Is there a specific goal, technique or situation in your life that you are wishing to work with on your own? A channelled meditation that supports your specific life and goals can help you to clear certain energies/situations, prepare you for upcoming events, or to support spiritual skills you are developing.

    Some examples of channelled meditations I have provided: Birth Preparation and Blessing, Cord Releasing, Chakra Clearing, Surgery Preparation and Blessing

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    Workshops, Circles & Events

    I host a variety of events/workshops/women’s circles both in person and online. Connect with me on social media to stay up-to-date on upcoming events.

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    Income Opportunities

    The more diversity we have in our income, especially in today’s economy, the better.

    Whether it’s adding additional income or building a business that replaces your 9-5, there are multiple paths available to you.

    The key is finding the ones you truly resonate with on all levels, knowing your vision, and knowing that there is no “get rich quick” but abundance is there for you to receive.

    Two products I whole-heartedly align with and have been an integral part of my and my family’s health every day for the last 1yr+ are Kangen Water (clean, living water) and Healy (frequency specific micro- current).

    Message me to see if the products and/or opportunities are right for you.

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    Questions? Send me an email here.

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