Akashic Records Reading
Akashic Records are the energetic, written records of everyone and everything throughout all space and time. The purpose of an Akashic Records reading is to access specific information you are needing in your life in order to gain awareness, to focus your direction, to heal, to shift and to grow. This reading is not open for interpretation by me, your reader. I am merely a conduit bringing forth word for word messages that you agreed to hear at this particular time in space. This is very different from an intuitive reading where I am receiving messages from your Spirit Team and interpreting and explaining them through my own unique lens.
Connecting with your Akashic Records is a powerful and sacred experience, and the messages you receive will stay with you and be relevant days, weeks, months, and sometimes years into the future. You are given a written copy of your reading for you to reflect back on time and again as you need and understand the guidance on deeper levels.
Personal Readings
Exploring your records comes with an energy of readiness and reverence. And everything is of the Highest and Greatest Good of All.
An Akashic Records reading supports you with:
- Powerfully shifting you out of old perspectives
- Bringing awareness and support for soul lessons
- Clarity & options for your next steps
- How people/things/beliefs are influencing you positively and negatively
- Learning your Soul’s intention & definitions
- Shifting out of your lense of suffering
- Healing on all levels, connecting to your heart
- Guidance on current specific challenges in your life
Appointment Options
60min Reading (via Video): $184
A’la Carte Reading Options
Mini Email Reading (choice of Akashic, Intuitive)
3-4 Questions Emailed
Single Oracle Card Reading
Book A Service
Sample Questions for Readings
What messages do my Spiritual Assistants have for me today? What am I resisting or holding back from?
Why do I struggle with love? (OR trust, forgiving, doubting, crowds, emotions, pain, anxiety, depression, procrastination, etc?)
What Animal Spirit Guides are with me and why? (OR Tree Spirit, Flower Spirit, Plant Spirit, Angels,etc)
What Spiritual Groups are with me helping me in my journey?
What is influencing me knowingly or unknowingly, positively or negatively?
I am ready to start a new chapter in life OR end an old one with____. What can I do to be better prepared or what am I needing to know for the Greater Good for All?
Are there any messages or guidance for my upcoming days, weeks or months?
What is my health trying to communicate with me to help me create a healthier balanced state? (OR allergies, gluten intolerance, heart, diabetes, mental exhaustion, anxiety, knee pain, etc…)
What is something that I have forgotten about me?
How can I create more restfulness or energy?
Is there anything i should consider eliminating from my life and why?
What was my best past life and why? How does it influence me now?
What state are my energy fields or chakras in and what may I know about them? What can I do to create harmony and balance more?
What is something that upsets me that I am not aware of?
What is my greatest gift I brought within me in this lifetime?
What are the steps I can take or create to help heal my past more?
What are my Soul Strengths? How can they help me?
What is my Soul’s definition of Love? (OR trust, unconditional love, forgiveness, life, death or growth?)
Is there anything I have lost Faith in? Why? What can I do now to feel whole again?
What is an internal block I can be made aware of? What is an external block I can be made aware of?
How can I better create balance in my everyday life? How can I better clear off my energies and emotions?
What is knowingly or unknowingly, holding me back in my life? (OR in my career, in my relationship with ___, with my health? Etc…)
What belief is limiting me in my life? (OR health, relationship, career, growth? Etc…)
What areas of my Life Purpose have I been fulfilling or ready to awaken to? What Soul Lessons am I working on now and what am I ready to work on? What lessons do I need to work on for my own personal growth?
What karmic debt or energy am I ready to release, heal or balance?
Is there a Core Imprint from a past event that I am ready to go back to help heal, release, resolve or grow from?
Is there a story I am needing to hear from my Soul Book to further me in my journey?
Why do I keep repeating _____?
Why did ______ come into my life?
What am I ready to learn about me and why I chose this life and these events? What step am I avoiding or missing that I can learn about now?
Why do I always seem to have this emotion within me?
Who I am spiritually and why did I choose to come here?
Who is with me as my Spiritual Guides, Teachers, Healers and more?
What are my strengths and abilities?
Where am I blocked and what guidance or understanding am I ready to hear?
I am at a crossroads in my life, what insights may I hear about the different directions? (OR my career, health, relationship,etc…)
I feel something is missing in my life. What messages may I retrieve to better understand this feeling and what can I do about this?
What is my greatest challenge or fear that is holding me back that I can now work on?
What is the root cause of this specific challenge? (OR my health, my relationship with, my emotional overloads, my reactions to a certain situation, my doubts, etc…)