Spiritual Life Coaching

What is Coaching?

Coaching is for the spiritual seekers who are ready to make lasting change in their life. My coaching combines energy healing, channelled guidance, and powerful re-patterning tools to help you shift patterns, behaviours, thoughts, feelings, and energetics in your life so you experience long-lasting change.

We work together on conscious, unconscious, and soul levels to release limiting stories and beliefs, and strengthen empowering stories and beliefs so you can live your Soul Purpose, achieve your goals, have deeply connected relationships, and a rich life full of love, abundance, joy, and ease.

Coaching together also provides you the skills to navigate life’s lessons and challenges with ease, awareness, and power instead of being a victim to life’s circumstances.

I offer both Personal Soul Evolution Coaching, and Business Energetics Coaching.

Soul Evolution Coaching

Soul Evolution Coaching combines healing and coaching over several sessions to powerfully shift your patterns, behaviours, thoughts, feelings, and energetics.

This is done by addressing the conscious, unconscious, and energetic stories and beliefs influencing your life.

Here are just SOME of the things coaching helps you with:

      • Repatterning your beliefs & behaviours from limiting to empowered
      • Activating & developing your intuition and spiritual gifts
      • Setting boundaries & prioritizing self
      • Releasing guilt, shame, worry, and resentment
      • Healing past lives and your family lineage
      • Feeling confident, powerful and authentic
      • Feeling worthy and loveable
      • Having deeply connected relationships

Business Energetics Coaching

I blend my Soul Evolution Coaching with Business Energetics to support you AND your business in growing to it’s next level.

Your business is as multi-dimensional as you are, so how you approach it should be on all levels!

Business Energetics will support you with:

      • Upleveling personal life & relationships
      • Infusing your soul, heart and energy into your work to attract your dream clients
      • Harmonizing your life and business flow
      • Releasing the pattern of over-working, under-living, and spinning in indecision.
      • Transcending limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome
      • Getting you focused and productive without burnout
      • Activating your wealth frequency, releasing scarcity . . . AND MORE

60 Minute Session

Questions? Chat with me by email or on social.

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