Energy Healing

for mind, body, soul


Healing Sessions work with the power of Spirit (God, Source, Creator) and your soul to powerfully shift, heal and release that which no longer serves you in your Highest & Greatest Good. Together we find the roots of issues and address them on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic). By doing this we powerfully accelerate your healing and bring your Being into a state of harmony, ease, peace, vitality, restoration, balance, and love.

I utilize a variety of modalities to support your healing such as Akashic Healing, ThetaHealing, EFT, Shamanism, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy etc.

Healing Sessions support with:

      • Pain, illness, and dis-ease
      • Mental Health
      • Self-doubt, poor self worth, lack of self love
      • People pleasing & boundary setting
      • Feelings of guilt, fear, shame, anger, betrayal, resentment etc
      • Clearing the need to hold onto recurrent patterns and lessons, dis-ease, traumas, limiting beliefs, fears and doubts.
      • Past life and ancestral trauma.

Through healing you will reclaim:

      • Health & Vitality
      • Confidence & Authenticity
      • Joy
      • Play
      • Abundance & Opportunity
      • Ease
      • Connection to Self/Others/Spirit
      • Love 

The Modalities

AKASHIC HEALING: Works with Spirit, your Akashic Records, and the Akashic Healers & Guides to support you to re-write, know and understand the vastness of your soul and the lessons you have come to learn in this lifetime. This supports you in healing this life time, past lives, ancestral lines, beliefs, limitations and traumas. 

THETAHEALING: This modality, which is rooted in Shamanism & Hypnotherapy, works with the power of Creator and the Theta Brainwave state to access hidden subconscious beliefs and traumas, release them, and bring in the energy and beliefs from Creator that serve you in your highest and Best Good. 

INTEGRATED ENERGY THERAPY: This modality works with the power of angels to gently clear energetic blocks in your body, and activate and restore the energy centres to their most potent vibrational state. 

REIKI: Works with life force energy to clear energy blocks and slow moving energy, to support healing for pain/injury/dis-ease, and to bring aligned life-force back into your being. 


    What Happens in a Healing Session?

    In a healing session, I connect with your Spirit Team, Spirit, my Akashic Healing Team and your energy to see what is needed to support you and help you to heal in your Highest and Best Good. I will use all tools and modalities available to me that are needed in the moment. Most often I will use a combination of Akashic Healing and ThetaHealing unless I am guided otherwise.

    During the session you will be gently guided into a relaxed, hypnotic state allowing your soul to speak and you subconscious to rest and release. 

    Each session is different and individual. Spirit and your soul supports and guides the session. These are profoundly deep healings that support you exploring and healing not only this lifetime, but other lifetimes as well. We find the soul origin of patterns, energies, cords, and attachments so they can be healed, seen, understood, and received from a wisdom and karmic perspective. Nothing is off limits or too in-depth.

    Within the scope of healing we are often called to explore and heal:

        • generational, ancestral, and lineage wounds/patterns/traumas
        • physical healing, dis-ease, injury
        • abuse & traumas
        • fertility, pregnancy, birth, womb healing, Feminine healing, motherhood
        • childhood and inner child
        • money, freedom, enslavement, sovereignty
        • shadow selves, karmic debts
        • death
        • voice, power, strength
        • past lives, soul contracts, vows, judgements
        • cord releasing (we do not cut cords because it leaves energy behind)        AND SO MUCH MORE . . .


    Personal Soul Healing Focus

    This session focus is best when you want to focus on your self and personal life. 

    This session will support you in clearing out heavy negative/stagnant energy, self doubt, low self worth/self-esteem, struggle to love yourself or belief in yourself, lack of boundaries, feelings of guilt/shame/anger/betrayal/resentment etc, recurring struggles in your life, dis-ease/injury, traumas and challenging experiences, limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, past life/ancestral trauma etc.

    Through these sessions you will let go of what no longer serves you and bring in the opposite that serves you in your Highest and Greatest Good. It will help you to reclaim your health, confidence, joy, play, abundance, ease, connection to self/others/spirit, call in abundance and opportunities, experience deeper love AND MORE.

    Fertility, Motherhood, Birth, Postpartum Focus

    This session focus is for you if you are in the energy of and needing support around motherhood.

    I can help you to move through and shift fears, doubts, loss, traumas or belief systems turning them into blessings and self-empowerment and opening you to receive love from your babes and Spirit Babes and the deep support you need.

    This will support you in feeling safe, confident, easeful, healthy and joyful as you transition through the different phases of motherhood: fertility/infertility, early births, birth, motherhood and parenting, postpartum, life change, relationship with your partner, relationship with your children, etc.

    Entrepreneur & Abundance Healing Focus

    This session focus is for entrepreneurs who are ready to expand in life and business and shift the beliefs, experiences, fears and limitations that hold them back from making great money and a great impact in their business while feeling fulfilled, joyful and playful in their personal life. 

    This session is also for aspiring entrepreneurs who have blocks coming up around getting started and taking the leap in their business.

    Things I support you with: imposter syndrome, self-worth, scarcity/lack mindset, fear of being seen, self-sabotage, over-giving, doubting yourself, burnout AND MORE.

    If you want to take this even deeper, check out my private coaching to see if it’s the right fit for you. >>> Learn More

    Healing Sessions:

    Intuitive Healing Session (encompasses Akashic Healing / ThetaHealing)
    In-Person or Distance (via Video)
    60 mins – $155

    Hands-On Reiki Session
    60 mins – $111

    Hands-On Integrated Energy Therapy
    60 mins – $111

    Youth Healing (ages 0-17)
    Available In-Person, Distance (via Video), or Remote   **Dependant on needs/age of child, email to request

    Remote Healing for Pets **Email to Request
    30 mins


    In Person Sessions available in Winnipeg, MB. 

    What should I do to prepare for my healing session?

    Take care of your physical body. Eat nourishing foods, and drink plenty of water. It is important to be fully hydrated as this will assist you in the releasing process.
    Refrain from using drugs/alcohol prior to your appointment.
    Wear comfortable clothes, and have a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed (if doing a distance healing). Having an eye mask is also recommended to help quiet your mind.
    Have an idea of what you would like to release or work on. Setting an intention beforehand helps things bubble up to the surface to be healed.

    How many sessions do I need?

    Much change can be experienced within a single session, but for those desiring deeper healing it can take several sessions. We are often working to release emotions, traumas, blocks, and limiting beliefs that have been with you for decades, as well as those belonging to your ancestors or past lifetimes. For those who are new to energy healing, it is recommend to do at least 3 sessions a minimum of 2 weeks apart to allow for integration. Once you are more familiar with energy healing work, it is recommended to have a session every 2-3 months or as needed for maintenance.

    Do I need to be a certain religion to receive energy healing?

    No, energy healing is non-denominational.  The only requirement to receive energy healing is that you hold a belief in a Higher Power or Divine Consciousness, and are open to and believe that healing is possible. 

    Email to Request Youth or Remote Pet Healing

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